Paintwork Preview (Paul)

I thought I’d give you all a tiny sneak preview of Daisy Duke as I was back at the boat yard yesterday (22nd) to meet with Robert, the sign writer, to discuss getting the name on the boat and a few extra bits and pieces.  

What I was met with was a big, pleasant, shock as the main ‘body’ of the boat is now painted along with the coach lines (boxes). In our last blog I explained the selection process Jo and I went through when deciding colours but now it’s a reality. Whilst it really does have to be seen in person, the video does show it off well. Remember, it is under cover and in false light which, Pete said, gives a slightly false impression as appose to being outside and in natural light. 

For those that are interested I can inform you that the main body is ‘Bounty Red’ with the coach lines in ‘Buff’. The stern (back) is black satin as will the bow (front) when its done. Although a small touch, Pete has done the tiller (steery thing at the stern) in red also which really does set it off nicely. The roof will be done in cream, although that has yet to be done, but will be broken up with red stripes where each mushroom (air vent) is. Pete assures us that this will bring it nicely together and so far, he has been right on all things he’s done so we’re confident in his advice.

The sign writing bit will have to be another blog I’m afraid as we have yet to agree on everything. In the meantime, we hope you enjoy the change in Daisy Duke’s appearance just as much as we have.      

8 responses to “Paintwork Preview (Paul)”

  1. Lou Avatar

    That is coming on very well. I love the choice of colours. Looking forward to seeing the finished product

    1. Daisy Duke Avatar

      Thanks Lou! Hopefully not much longer now!

  2. Steve Avatar

    Looking good, the paint finish looks like silk

    1. Daisy Duke Avatar

      Thanks Steve! Will be interesting to see what she looks like in natural light.

  3. Shelly Avatar

    Love this, excited to follow your adventures this spring/summer xx

  4. Sue Avatar

    She’s looking fabulous and the colours that you have chosen really compliment her.
    Can’t wait to see her finished 🥰

    1. Daisy Duke Avatar

      Thanks Sue. Hoping the signage woll be done soon too!

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