Choosing the name (Paul)

Choosing a name

If you’ve ever tried to name a child or a new pet, then you will know how difficult it can be to find a name that you both agree on.

Rest assured that when it when comes to naming a boat, it is exactly the same! We naively thought that it was something that could be done over a couple of pints in the pub. Alas, this was not the case.

There is always the temptation to try and be funny and we initially went for names such as:

  • Flat Bottomed Girl
  • Mid Life Crisis
  • Absolutely Anchored
  • Seabatical Saboatical

In the end, we both felt a funny name wasn’t for us. We didn’t want to one of those smart arses, especially as we don’t know what we are doing when it comes to boating!

We both liked ‘Gypsy Jo & Pikey Paul’ but that was swiftly poo pooed by our children on the grounds of political correctness (woke).

In the end we got the pen and paper out and simply wrote down every name we could think of over the ensuing weeks.

Our approach was the same as when we have to choose anything, be it wallpaper, paint or carpet. We take the first two names and ask which we prefer. If one of us has a real wanting for one then it is kept ‘in the pot’ until all names have been gone through and dismissed.

Our list started with 56 names and we whittled it down to a handful, including Daisy Duke. In truth we were quite happy with four or five of them but we had to have a winner.

Jo liked the idea of having a flower connotation in the name and we are both fans of the artist Gil Elvgren who is famous for his paintings of ladies in the 30’s and 40’s.

Daisy Duke allows us to incorporate pictures of flowers with a picture of a cowgirl in the same guise as Elvgren did. We are yet to commission a sign artist with the task of placing her name on the boat as we still await her re-spray, but as soon as we can, we’ll have her adorned with her new name ready for the launch. Watch this space……   

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