Wet, wet, wet!

I think we can safely say that the warm weather is over for the year and Paul and I are now having to adapt to living in a boat in a much harsher environment.

The tow paths are very quickly becoming muddy and treacherous and our winter clothing and boots are out at the ready.

We are also having to get used to washing down the stern and putting the pram covers up when we moor up for the evening (pram covers are like an awning).

And whilst Zak isn’t the furriest of dogs, he is having to have a good rub down every time he goes inside Daisy. There is then the problem of storing dirty and wet towels and clothes.

I did try to do a hand wash but it took nearly three days to dry some pants and socks on the airer so we have decided that we will simply have to do a few more laundrette stops.

Paul has created an indoor washing line which I absolutely love but we are limiting its use for tea towels, dish clothes and shower towels to minimise the amount of condensation that is produced.

We are also having to slow our travelling right down to a couple of hours a day to try and avoid the rain and also because everything takes that much longer.

I can see our stove being kept continuously alight as it quickly gets very cold inside and I definitely need to practice my fire lighting skills. I tried for about 30 mins this morning to get it going before throwing a strop and handing it over to Paul who, annoyingly, got it going pretty much straight away!

Also, due to the limited travelling we are now doing, I will have to put my slow cooker away as the batteries will no longer be getting lots of ‘juice’ from the engine and the solar panels are not getting as much juice from the sun. On a positive, the old faithful cooking pot is out and we currently have a nice stew cooking away as I write.

Yesterday we had a bit of a nightmare as the cooker ignitor switch and radio stopped working and we also ripped the zip on the front cover at a lock. Its suprising how quickly these things can get you down. However, we worked together as a team (me posting qustions on the friendly narrowboat FB page and Paul using his eletrician skills) and we managed to find a loose connection so the electrics now work fine. We have also managed to find a cratchbrepair lady who lives in Milton Keynes and who we will be passing!

It’s still all exciting as it’s new, but I suspect we will longing for a nice hot bath soon!

And for those of you who missed it on Instagram, please see below a hilarious video of Paul arguing with a young swan!

Love to all,

Jo & Paul xxx

13 responses to “Wet, wet, wet!”

  1. Dot Avatar

    This will be a good test of endurance!!!
    Please don’t end up murdering one another. Just pray for a dry spell.

    1. Daisy Duke Avatar

      We love each other too much for murder!

      1. Daisy Duke Avatar

        You know us too well!

  2. Alan Avatar

    Now the hard work is coming but you will both push through it I am sure….by the way the Swan only wanted a kiss LOL

    1. Daisy Duke Avatar

      LOL, none of the swans seem to like Paul!

  3. Julie Avatar

    Your humour will get you through I’m sure. X

  4. Liz Wightman Avatar
    Liz Wightman

    We all love the British weather, just think it could be warm & bright tomorrow… but unlikely, and the clocks change soon so it will be dark early evening 🫣🤣🤬
    Chin up Jo, more cuddling to keep warm and everything else will fall into place 💋
    Miss you x

  5. Baz Avatar

    So look forward to these updates ☺️
    Praying for dry weather for you (even if it’s cold, dry is better than wet!).
    Love the pic of Zak wrapped up 😍 & Mr Rob’s altercation 🦢😆

    1. Daisy Duke Avatar

      Today has been a lovely day! Yes Mr Rob can fall out with anyone, as you well know!😂

  6. Mum Avatar

    Absolutely brillian post. You three are a forse to be recond with. The ‘Zac ‘ shot was brilliant, he is certainly copeing with all that is thrown at him! What a life he has now. Jo and Paul, each day you are challenged, you do not know who you are going to meet and ‘what is round the corner’

    I look foreward to your next update.

    Lots of love XXX

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